Overview of Social Studies Content Strands


Strand I. Historical Perspective
Students use knowledge of the past to construct meaningful understanding of our diverse cultural heritage and to inform their civic judgments.

Standard I.I Time and Chronology
All students will sequence chronologically the following eras of American History and key events within these eras in order to examine relationships and to explain cause and effect. 

Standard I.2 Comprehending the Past
All students will understand narratives about major eras of American and world history by identifying the people involved, describing the setting, and sequencing the events.

Standard I.3 Analyzing and Interpreting the Past
All students will reconstruct the past by comparing interpretations written by others from a variety of perspectives and creating narratives from evidence. 

Standard I.4 Judging Decisions from the Past
All students will evaluate key decisions made at critical turning points in history by assessing their implications and long-term consequences.

Strand II. Geographic Perspective
Students will use knowledge of spatial patterns on earth to understand processes that shape human environments and to make decisions about society.

Standard II.I "Diversity of People, Places, and Cultures"
All students will describe, compare, and explain the locations and characteristics of places, cultures, and settlements.

Standard II.2 Human/Environment Interaction
All students will describe, compare, and explain the locations and characteristics of ecosystems, resources, human adaptation, environmental impact, and the interrelationships among them.

Standard II.3 Location, Movement, and Connections
All students will describe, compare, and explain the locations and characteristics of economic activities, trade, political activities, migration, information flow, and the interrelationships among them.

Standard II.4 "Regions, Patterns, and Processes"
All students will describe and compare characteristics of ecosystems, states, regions, countries, major world regions, and patterns and explain the processes that created them.

Standard II.5 Global Issues and Events
All students will describe and explain the causes, consequences, and geographic context of major global issues and events.

Strand III. Civic Perspective
Students will use knowledge of American government and politics to make informed decisions about governing their communities.

Standard III.I Purposes of Government
All students will identify the purposes of national, state, and local governments in the United States, describe how citizens organize government to accomplish their purposes and assess their effectiveness.

Standard III.2 Ideals of American Democracy
All students will explain the meaning and origin of the ideas, including the core democratic values expressed in the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and other foundational documents of the United States.

Standard III.3 Democracy in Action
All students will describe the political and legal processes created to make decisions, seek consensus, and resolve conflicts in a free society.

Standard III.4 American Government and Politics
All students will explain how American governmental institutions at the local, state, and federal levels provide for the limitation and sharing of power and how the nation's political system provides for the exercise of power.

Standard III.5 American Government and World Affairs
All students will understand how the world is organized politically, the formation of American foreign policy, and the roles the United States plays in the international arena.

Strand IV. Economic Perspective
Students will use knowledge of the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services to make personal and societal decisions about the use of scarce resources.

Standard IV.I Individual and Household Choices
All students will describe and demonstrate how the economic forces of scarcity and choice affect the management of personal financial resources, shape consumer decisions regarding the purchase, use, and disposal of goods and services, and affect the economic well-being of individuals and society.

Standard IV.2 Business Choices
All students will explain and demonstrate how businesses confront scarcity and choice when organizing, producing, and using resources, and when supplying the marketplace.

Standard IV.3 Role of Government
All students will describe how government decisions on taxation, spending, public goods, and regulation impact what is produced, how it is produced, and who receives the benefits of production.

Standard IV.4 Economic Systems
All students will explain how a free market economic system works, as well as other economic systems, to coordinate and facilitate the exchange, production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.

Standard IV.5 Trade
All students will describe how trade generates economic development and interdependence and analyze the resulting challenges and benefits for individuals, producers, and government.

Strand V. Inquiry
Students will use methods of social science investigation to answer questions about society.

Standard V.I Information Processing
All students will acquire information from books, maps, newspapers, data sets, and other sources, organize and present the information in maps, graphs, charts, and time lines, interpret the meaning and significance of information, and use a variety of electronic technologies to assist in accessing and managing information.

Standard V.2 Conducting Investigations
All students will conduct investigations by formulating a clear statement of a question, gathering and organizing information from a variety of sources, analyzing and interpreting information, formulating and testing hypotheses, reporting results both orally and in writing, and making use of appropriate technology.

Strand VI. Public Discourse and Decision Making
Students will analyze public issues and construct and express thoughtful positions on these issues.

Standard VI.I Identifying and Analyzing Issues
All students will state an issue clearly as a question of public policy, trace the origins of the issue, analyze various perspectives people bring to the issue, and evaluate possible ways to resolve the issue.

Standard VI.2 Group Discussion
All students will engage their peers in constructive conversation about matters of public concern by clarifying issues, considering opposing views, applying democratic values, anticipating consequences, and working toward making decisions.

Standard VI.3 Persuasive Writing
All students will compose coherent written essays that express a position on a public issue and justify the position with reasoned arguments.

Strand VII. "Citizen Involvement"
Students will act constructively to further the public good.

Standard VII.I Responsible Personal Conduct
All students will consider the effects of an individual's actions on other people, how one acts in accordance with the rule of law, and how one acts in a virtuous and ethically responsible way as a member of society.

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