Pittsford Central Schools: GRADE: 1

Grade 1 Social studies program focuses on helping students learn about their roles as members of a family and school community. The emphasis is on developing self-identity and social interaction skills.


Exposure to the following:

needs wants money choices
cost jobs services goods

Identify what is money and how we use it

Understand people work to earn money

Identify the difference between needs and wants

Three basic needs are: food, clothing, and shelter

Understand workers provide goods and services


Responsibility Respect honesty rules
symbol celebration decision making problem solving

All people need to learn and learn in different ways

People are alike and different in many ways

Most people live in families though families differ

Each person has a responsibility as part of many different groups (home, school, and organizations)

People make rules that involve consideration of others and provide for the health and safety for all

Citizenship includes an awareness of our nation’s symbols and celebrations of our nation, for example: the flag, the Statue of Liberty, the White House.

Rules can be revised for various reasons


globe model map land
key continent water ocean

Understand meaning of directional terms — up, down, above, below, next to, left, right

Recognize the globe as a model of the earth

Recognize what is water and land on map/globe

Recognize that places can be located on a map

Locate where we live on a map, globe


Suggested skills-based activities:

Use directional words to locate places on a simple map or items in the room

Trace a route on a map

Use a map key and basic symbols — geographic: land, water, building: house, bank, store

Together with your class, create a class map, organize data and make key

Together with your class create class graphs, contribute data, and graphically represent data

Compare and contrast number (most, least, it)

Count money — pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters


Locate globe in the library and find designated areas.

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archived project by Peter Pappas 
Former Social Studies Coordinator Pittsford Central Schools

 Peter Pappas 

Twitter: edteck
Blog: www.peterpappas.com 

Copyright © 1999-2014, Peter Pappas

All content licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.