Pittsford Central Schools


In the Grade 2 social studies program, students explore rural, urban and suburban communities with the emphasis on communities in the United States.


Needs and wants (school and local communities)



Goods, services


Specialized jobs



Taxes (2 cents from every $1.00 would have to go to government)


Difference between goods and services

People in the community provide goods and services that the community needs

We are all consumers within our community

Through work people get money (income) to purchase needs and wants

Taxes provide money for community services

People in communities must make choices due to unlimited wants and needs and limited resources


Citizenship: Rules, Responsibility, Duty, Consequences, Fairness, Honesty, Equality

Government: Examples – Town and Village of Pittsford, City of Rochester, New York State, United States


Symbols of our country


Conflict Resolution: Problem, Solution

There are consequences when rules are absent

Good citizenship includes an awareness of classroom, school or community problems

Citizenship includes awareness of our nation’s symbols and holidays

Families as basic units of all communities

Families need rules to govern and protect their members

Students, teachers, and staff are all citizens of school communities

Every community has rules and laws to protect and govern

All communities have rights and responsibilities

Rural, urban, and suburban communities have social/cultural similarities and differences



rural interaction
urban cooperation
suburban interdependent
communities symbols

Locate on a map:

Great Lakes Finger Lakes NYS
Canada Rochester USA
Pittsford Lake Ontario 7 continents

Maps represent given areas or places and can be studied to find locations of given items

Urban, suburban and rural areas have definite locations

Urban, suburban and rural areas serve various purposes yet they interact and have many similarities

Know that the country of Canada is North of the USA

Can name some other suburbs of Rochester and particular things that might be found there (i.e. certain stores and malls, entertainment spots)

Knows the names of some villages and towns outside the Rochester Metropolitan area and perhaps a reason why they might be important (i.e. a relative or friend lives there; a lake is there; a park is there)

Knows the names of some states near NYS

Can explain in a limited way that physical characteristics of the land around Rochester, Genesee River and Erie Canal have shaped the growth of the area


How communities change over time: daily life, buildings, transportation, jobs, clothing

Why communities change over time.

What are some of our traditions, holidays and celebrations


Interpret charts, graphs and maps

Give general verbal directions to school and neighborhood.

Create a map of a room you’re in.

Recognize money and its value as commodity used in purchasing goods and services.

Distinguish between past, present and future.

Create a timeline.

Explain how things change over time

Library Component:

Use the library computer catalog to find the non-fiction area for books about communities.

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archived project by Peter Pappas 
Former Social Studies Coordinator Pittsford Central Schools

 Peter Pappas 

Twitter: edteck
Blog: www.peterpappas.com 

Copyright © 1999-2014, Peter Pappas

All content licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.