Pittsford Central Schools:


The social studies program at the Kindergarten level focuses on helping students develop awareness of self as a growing individual. In addition the child’s relationship with others in the classroom becomes a source for social studies learning. Social interaction skills are integral to the Kindergarten program.





Students will be introduced to the following concepts:

People have wants and needs

People work at jobs to earn money

People use money to buy wants and needs

People and families make economic choices





Students will be introduced to the following concepts:

All children and adults have responsibilities

People make rules, which involve consideration of others, and provide for the health and safety of all

Rules effect children and adults and can be changed for many reasons

Each person can be a contributor to decision making and problem solving/conflict resolution

Citizenship includes an awareness of the symbols of our nation

People make decisions that involve others

Each person is unique and important

All people are alike and different in many ways

Each person has social needs and wants

Most people live in families, though families differ

All people need to learn, and they learn in different ways




Students will be introduced to the following concepts:

A map is a picture of a place

A globe is a representation of the earth

The earth is made up of both land and water

Exposure to directions on a map or globe (north, south, east, west)

We are all part of a community (school and family)


Contribute to the development of a real bar graph, real picture graph designed by the class

Compare / contrast numbers (most/least, greater/less than, same)

Locate land and water on a globe or map

Recognize the differences between a map and globe

Identify the differences between a want and a need

Demonstrate responsibility for self and materials

In a whole group situation compare and contrast ways that people/families are alike/different

Identify a symbol of our nation

Identify school rules and responsibilities and the need for both

Follow school rules

Library Component:

Borrow and return library books on time to demonstrate responsibility

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archived project by Peter Pappas 
Former Social Studies Coordinator Pittsford Central Schools

 Peter Pappas 

Twitter: edteck
Blog: www.peterpappas.com 

Copyright © 1999-2014, Peter Pappas

All content licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 United States License.