Top 20
Tech Tips

Copyright © 2000
Peter Pappas
All rights reserved

Instruction and Assessments

Use the technology to support existing activities instead of designing the activities around the technology.

Teach technology skills within the context of academic lessons rather than as a separate subject.

Create activities that allow students to demonstrate what they've discovered through their projects. Don't rely on traditional tests.

The Students

Encourage students to teach each other technology skills;
let them work cooperatively.

Use technology to support collaborative projects where every student makes an essential contribution.

Use up-to-date, age- and skill-appropriate software, so students don't become bored or frustrated.


Teachers need professional development opportunities and continuing support to learn how to use the technology effectively.

Training should focus on how technology can enhance learning rather than simply on how to work the machines.

Teachers need ongoing one-on-one and just-in-time instruction in using technology.

Teachers change their practices more readily when they can work in teams and have the support of administrators.

Technical support for teachers should be available at the building level.


Teachers need time to learn how technology can be used in the classroom.

Students then need time to discover the knowledge by themselves and in collaboration with classmates.

Don't depend on the technology itself to

Develop activities for the sake of learning, not for the chance to use the technology.

Allow students to use technology in the same ways professionals do--to help them work in groups, analyze and present data, and share their work.

Be patient.

Copyright © 2000
Peter Pappas
All rights reserved