You will be assigned to investigate one of the following "Industry Profiles"
in The Cash Constituents of Congress and the CRP website.
They can be found in the Book in Chapter 2: "Industry Profiles"
At the CRP Website the categories are called "Special Interests" and can be
found at
1. Prepare an abstract of the "Industry Profile" which includes:
What types of businesses, industries, professional associations are included in this
Who are some of the major contributors in this classification?
What patterns do their financial contributions to Congress take?
a. To the House or Senate
b. To which committees
c. To challengers or incumbents
d. To Republicans or Democrats
How can the patterns of financial contributions be explained?
2. Prepare an abstract of at least one example of the lobby efforts of your group or
one of its members. This section should describe this lobby effort and include:
The legislation or policy in question
The position taken by your interest group
The lobby effort mounted by the interest group
The final outcome of the proposal or its current status if yet unresolved.
Note: This section of the research will be greatly aided by investigations done by the
Center for Responsive Politics that can be found at its website:
Also the Congressional Websites at:
3. Prepare a single written report which includes the elements of each of the abstracts
above in A and B. The seminar will turn in one report with the contributions of each
member clearly identified.