To: Research team
From: Research supervisor
Date: ######
Well its not too soon to get started. There are only ## months left until the New
Hampshire primary 2004 and the fields wide
open. Its time for us to get a jump on the competition and begin to prepare for the coming
Presidential election cycle.
I want you to:
Organize yourselves into research teams by seminar and choose a likely contender for
the Presidential election in 2004. Any party or an independent. For ideas check
Some of the contenders have already set up home pages.
Research the voting electorate and prepare a likely campaign platform and strategy that
will propel this candidate into the White House.
I want this to be well researched in regards to voter groups and the issues and
positions that will gain their support. You might focus on demographic factors regarding
voter groups such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, religion, income or geography. Or you
may wish to focus on the analysis of voter group profiles developed in The New
Political Landscape.
Your campaign proposal should include:
- Specific target voter groups and the relative size of their voting bloc.
- Their voting patterns in the Presidential elections of
2000, 1996, 1992 and 1988.
- Key issues and positions that your candidate will utilize to gain their support in
- Suggested campaign ideas to highlight the candidate.
A PowerPoint computer presentation to the class which highlights your findings and
proposals. (Dont worry, I will be providing instruction and supervised class time to
help you with this part.)
For your reference I suggest you utilize:
Take the Political Poll at: Where
Do You Fit?
of the Voters
Profile of Republican voters
Profile of Democratic voters
Your goal for this seminar is to work effectively as a team to gather information, sort
out the relevant facts, develop findings, draw conclusions, and make recommendations.
Time table
September 24th : Large group lecture on news media and politics
September 25 - 30: Preliminary draft of your findings and proposal in seminar. Start
PowerPoint instruction.
Wednesday October 1st: Test on American Political Behavior
October 2nd - 7th: I will meet individually to review course work
to date and will meet with seminar groups to assist in the production of a PowerPoint
presentation of your campaign plan. Details to follow.
October 8th: Group presentations of PowerPoint campaigns plans.